

After last breakfast of Lille, I took a train to get to Köln via Liege.
I think I just took a rest for a while, but it was already Liege...
Oh..  I hadnt seen Bruxelles!!

I like this architecture :O looks so cool!!
I had only 1 hour to stay here...
nothing I can do..   :S

except for drinking beer 🙂

then took a train again to get Köln.

pretty big railway station again.
I like Europe stations form than Japanese.

My first meal in German is of course "Wurst"

yummyy!!!  Especially the mustard x)
the bread is felt like curry flavor a bit.
Had wurst in the station,  went to my hotel to put my baggage.





Hyperrrrrrrrr Big church is almost next to the station!!!
Wow!! thats so amazing big!!  I was like.....   :O......haha

after I got my hotel. i just took a rest and talk to the guy of the hotel.
and asking some information of Köln.20140313_202812

this is when I was walking to a restaurant for dinner.
thats so beautiful ^^


I wanted to try something really local food. and this is it!!
Beef stew with potato ball? (like mashed+ rice cake /2  ) and inside of apple pie     hahaha  taste goood!!! I dont know which timing I supposed to eat the apple one  lol
since I sat my seat,I and two guys who had been sitting there were talking.  and they are very friendly^^
They told me what I should order here and how to eat the stuff actually 🙂
and one of guy says his daughter is interested in Japan and learning Japanese now!! and we talked quite long time!!!
also they bought me beer yay!!! thats great encounter!!!

next day
I visited the church!


weather was still amazing!! the sun light made an art there!!
and of course got to the top again...



height 95m!!  :O



Can you see the Rhine?  ^^
I could see many trains moving busily from there.  its amazing!! modern and historic stuff are mixed here as well.

After WORK...(so many stairs)
I really needed something to drink.

yeahh?  why not?   😀
I just had relaxed time until evening.
sitting next to the Rhine and drinking beer haha thats all.  but thats enough 😉

then I went to Dortmund to get night train... ^^




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