
Prague, Olomouc, Wien

From Köln, I went to Dortmund to get a sleep train.
just stayed there for 6 hours.
had a cappuccino first!! anyway!
and walked around in Dortmund ^^

to have dinner ^^
then I ate beef steak 😀

after dinner,
I went back to the station to take a sleep train  around midnight.
on the platform, I met a Japanese guy who I I have seen when I was taking a train from Köln!!  haha I tried to talk to him first, coz I was sure he is a Japanese.

then Yes...He is Japanese!!! He is also a backpacker and travel around in Europe too  but different parts in Europe than me!!! thats cool!! ^^
My bed in the train

Next morning I got to Dresden!! I didnt have enough time to go sightseeing.   also it was rainy so... I really wanna go out next time^^


then I took a bus which was going to go to Prague!!!! 🙂


Finally I arrived in Prague!!
I met a friend who lives in Czech and guides me there.  really helpful !!
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After We had a lunch we were walking on the streets.
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but started raining  :/
and very very windy there!! like typhoon!!!!

anyway! stopped raining in 30min yay 🙂
and went on the hill
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I think I am so luck with the weather 🙂
thats so beautiful view in Prague again!
it was so windy tho but still beautiful city i guess.

The thing I felt in Czech republic first is something different with German...  I can not describe  that feeling. maybe smell???   hahahaha  i don know...

then went to Olomouc with my friend^^
and drinking with other friends yaay!!!
they are really friendlyyy!!! and nice people ^^
I felt like we had know each other for long time!!!
and went to Karaoke bar as well  lol

really amazing night 🙂

Next morning
Went to Wien !!!!!!!!
took a bus again! and the Wifi is available to use on the bus!!!  so comfortable!!!

In Wien.
It was so busy because there was so little time... :S
We went to the top of the church in a hurry!!!  haha
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I never recommend to do that..  lol  almost running haha
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Only we had a time to walk around the city in the evening. but the old buildings are lit up 😀    i could see coz of nigh time  hehe   Im lucky I guess!!
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Finally we had dinner near a station which my friend took a train to go back.  but its also memorial thing.
She is really helpful and I think I couldnt enjoy like that without the help.
and I will never forget the night in Olomouc!  it was so fun^^

then I moved to my train station to take a sleep train to go to Venezia!!!


haha this time
so many pics  hahaha


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